Seeing Beyond Ourselves: Cultivating Empathy

Most of us would like to think that we are good at demonstrating empathy, but the truth is, we all sometimes fall short. We definitely know how it feels to be cared for and to feel less than important ourselves. How do we navigate that narrow space between showing that we truly care and risking getting it wrong?
Carli Harlow is a long-time Unitarian Universalist. She chairs the ASWUU board of trustees and served as Worship Weaver for our congregation for seven years. We welcome her back to the pulpit this week.
The service will begin at 11:00 am. The service will be available on Facebook Live for those who wish to participate remotely. Go to the ASWUU Facebook page and click the Live link.
We will have coffee and conversation after the service. You may bring a snack to share if you would like to do so.