
We are in the process of reformulating and restructuring our committees. These are the present committees we plan to have.

Facilities and Grounds: Responsible for the upkeep, cleaning, and supply of the building/greenspaces.

Finances:  Responsible for the procurement of monetary income to the church, as well as the efficient operation of ASWUU financial transactions. Responsible for maintaining the budget.

Worship: Responsible for the planning and preparing of the weekly worship services. Involved in the choice of guest speakers.

Membership:  Responsible for creating programs/activities designed to attract new members and integrate them for ASWUU membership.

Outreach: Responsible for selecting local social justice programs designed to display our UU principles to the wider community.

Technology: Responsible for fully understanding and maintaining the website, the Facebook page as well as maintaining and running the a/v equipment in the church.

Fundraising: Responsible for creating interesting methods to raise funds for the church. Key avenues include participating in local festivals and events.

Religious Education: Responsible for teaching the strengths of our religion to the children of our congregation.

Office Administration: Responsible for the day-to-day operation of the office, ie mail, correspondence, phone messages, etc.

Social Action: Responsible for raising awareness about issues of unfairness and inequity in our community.  For more information contact: